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FEM 21 - Superfood Powder for Women

FEM21 - Balance your hormones naturally

What is it?

The superfood blend for women who want to balance their hormones naturally. FEM21  is a unique formula made from 21 natural ingredients. All ingredients have been carefully chosen by Meah Robertson, an Australian based Naturopath specialising in women's health.

Fem21 is for women who are looking for a natural alternative to balance their hormones and feel amazing. As a Naturopath Meah wanted to create a formulation which supports womens health holistically. Focusing on hormonal balancing as well as liver health, gut health, adrenal function and alkalising the body.  The beautifully balanced Fem21 formula supports many functions in the body, so you can experience improved health and happiness while functioning at your best. 

Hormonal balance for women is extremely important for our quality of life. Ideally we’d like to sail smoothly through our cycles and the different stages of our lives feeling on top of the world. However for many women and teens this isn’t the case, instead many women feel like they’re on a rollercoaster emotionally and physically each month.  Balancing hormones naturally allows us to feel calm, clear and energised.

Hormonal imbalances may affect the quality of our periods, increase PMS, contribute to cycle irregularity, effect libido, menopausal symptoms, fertility, acne, weight issues, breast health and the list goes on…. Herbal medicine, functional foods and natural therapies for hormonal imbalances such as our beautiful Fem21 formulation can be a wonderful alternative, to help you feel at your best.  Fem21 balances hormones with herbs such as Chaste tree, Black Cohosh, Rosemary and Broccoli to support healthy oestrogen metabolism and progesterone balance.

Not only does Fem21 work on hormonal health but it also helps with detoxification through the liver, kidneys and digestive cleansing which keeps everything running efficiently, from the elimination of toxins, to the absorption of nutrients. It does this with herbs such as Milk Thistle and Dandelion for the liver, alkalising greens for the kidneys such as Wheatgrass and Barley Grass.  Whilst supplying high levels of soluble and insoluble fibre from the Pysllium husks and Slippery Elm bark.  Meah also included a substantial amount of Probiotics to support gut health.

A healthy gut & micro-biome is vital for our immune system and overall health too. Fem21 also contains amazing superfoods and greens to provide a variety of powerful nutrients to boost energy, control inflammation and reduce cellular oxidative stress. 

Fem21 may also help to boost metabolism and improve stress management with amazing herbs that support thyroid and adrenal function.  Herbs such as Licorice, Withania and Siberian Ginseng work to support the adrenals and stress response as adaptogens by balancing out cortisol levels and calming the nervous system.  Withania has a dual action to also work on the thyroid along with Bladderwrack which improves overall metabolism in the body.

In conjunction with a healthy diet and clean lifestyle the Naturopathic formula of Fem21 has been developed to point your body in the right direction to regain balance, health and vitality. 

What are the ingredients?

FEM21 is made from 21 natural ingredients - here is what's inside:

Psyllium - Plantago afra (seed husks)

Milk Thistle - Sylibum marianum (seed powder)

Slippery Elm - Ulmus rubra (inner bark)

Licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra (root)

Multi Strain Probiotics - fermented from mung beans, brown rice, red lentils, chickpeas, linseed, alfalfa seed, millet, quinoa & filtered water)

Withania - Withania somnifera (root) aka Ashwaganda

Chaste Tree - Vitex agnus-castus (berry)

Siberian Ginseng - Eleutherococcus (root)

Barley Grass - Hordeum vulgare (sprout)

Wheatgrass - Thinopyrum intermedium (sprout)

Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis (leaves)

Lemon - Citrus limon (whole fruit including peel)

Broccoli powder - brassica oleacea var. italica (whole plant - not sprout)

Ginger - Zingiber officinale (root)

Raspberry - Rubus ideaus (fruit & seed)

Pomegranate - Punica granatum (fruit & seed)

Dandelion Root Powder - Traxacum officinalis (root)

Bladderwrack - Fucus vesiculosus (fond)

Cinnamon - Cinnamon zeylanicum (bark)

Stevia - Stevia rebaudiana (leaf)

Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga racemosa (root)

Anything important?

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Vegan, Sugar Free, No Fillers

Directions: Mix 1 scoop (approx 10g) into water, juice or a green smoothie, 1 - 2 times per day. 

Tip: Add powder before liquid for better mixing. Drink quickly as thickens in water. 

Precautions: Not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding or while using medications including contraceptives (unless under professional guidance). Please discuss use with health care professional if you have any concerns.

Storage: Store at or below 25 degrees Celsius. Contains live fermented foods which may vary the taste over time. Use within 3 months of opening. 

Nutritional Values
PLEASE NOTE: Formulated Supplementary Functional Food This food is not a sole source of nutrition and should be consumed in conjunction with a healthy, varied diet, active lifestyle and an appropriate exercise program. Not suitable for children under 13 years of age or pregnant women unless under supervision from a health professional. Please consider your own individual circumstances when using this product..

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